Thursday, August 23, 2007

Rain hampers APEC ship rescue

An Indonesian sailing ship which ran aground on a south-east Queensland beach is unlikely to be towed to port until next week.

The 35-metre vessel Arung Samudera was on its way to Sydney for next month's APEC forum when it encountered the storm that has been lashing the Queensland coast. The sailing ship remains at Inskip Point, where its crew of 18 were forced to abandon it.

Australian Navy Commander Forbes Peters, who is overseeing the operation, said heavy rain was hampering salvage efforts. Cmdr also added that the rudder and centreboard - which keeps the boat upright while sailing - had broken off, but the vessel was otherwise in good shape.

The ship is one of seven tall ships involved in the APEC's Tall Ships program to be held in Sydney and since January 1996 she has been officially registered in the Indonesian Navy.

For more details

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