Friday, December 14, 2007

Kidd's ship found off Dominican island

A U.S. underwater archaeology team announced that it has likely discovered the shattered remnants of a ship once captained by the notorious buccaneer William Kidd off a tiny Dominican Republic island.

The barnacled cannons and anchors found stacked beneath just 10 feet of crystalline coastal waters off Catalina Island are believed to be the wreckage of the Quedagh Merchant, a ship abandoned by the Scottish privateer in 1699, Indiana University researchers say. Treasure hunters, including a group with a permit from the Dominican government to scour Catalina for remnants of the ship, which historians believe was scavenged of treasure and burned shortly after Kidd abandoned it, have aggressively sought the wreckage. The Dominican government has licensed the U.S. University to study the wreckage. The find will likely reveal key information about piracy in the Caribbean and about the elusive Captain Kidd.
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