Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New series of ISO standards assists stakeholders in recycling ships

ISO has launched the first document of a new series of management system standards for the recycling of ships.

The new series, ISO 30,000, ship recycling management systems, will support environmental protection and increase the safety of workers. Ship recycling contributes to the global conservation of energy and resources. However, the presence of asbestos, hydrocarbons and other environmentally hazardous substances in ships can, if the scrapping process is not carefully controlled, have negative repercussions for the environment and human health. The ISO 30,000 series thus aims to provide assistance to organizations implementing or improving a ship recycling management system through guidance on the allocation of resources, assignment of responsibilities, and ongoing evaluation of practices, procedures and processes. Captain Charles Piersall, Chair of ISO technical committee ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology says: 'ISO 30000 has been developed to assist stakeholders, large and small, in the uniform implementation of the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) requirements on ship recycling. The series of standards will increase transparency, facilitate trade, provide a clear reference for industry and constitute a valuable risk assessment tool.
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