Wednesday, December 24, 2008

NOL to restructure Asian operations in new year

Singapore: Neptune Orient Lines (NOL) has announced that as of January 1, 2009, the Group's Asia-wide container shipping business will be coordinated through two rather than the current three regions.

"Despite the current depressed market environment, Asia will continue to be a cornerstone of world trade,” said NOL group ceo, Ron Widdows. “The structuring of our Asian operations around two key regions will support efforts to place NOL's cost base on a more sustainable footing, while enabling closer coordination of activities in adjacent countries. This will ensure we continue to provide the highest standards of service to our many customers whose supply chains touch Asia."Under the new structure, the existing Greater China region will be combined with the company's Japan and Korea operations - currently part of the Asia-Middle East region - to form a new North Asia region. NOL's current South Asia President Ken Glenn will take on the role of President North Asia.The current president of NOL’s Asia-Middle East region, Jim McAdam, will be the president of the South Asia region, which will encompass company activities across South East Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East and Australasia.Dan Ryan, who has been the president of NOL's Greater China region since August 2006, is to take up a key role with the company in the United States.
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