Friday, February 27, 2009

Petrobras spuds well in Iracema prospect

Petrobras has spudded a first well with the newbuild Seadrill semi-submersible West Taurus, targeting the Iracema prospect on the pre-salt Tupi trend.

The drilling operation was reported on the website of Brazilian hydrocarbon regulator ANP. The well is at a water depth of 2210 metres on Block BM-S-11. It is pursuing a prospect that block partners have described as a sub-structure of the giant Tupi find, where Petrobras has estimated recoverable light oil and gas resources at between 5 billion and 8 billion barrels (oil equivalent). The West Taurus arrived in Brazil recently and is chasing a pre-salt target depth of 6275 metres with its first operation for Petrobras. The Brazilian company is partnered by BG and Galp Energia on this block. Petrobras is also drilling an exploration well on the Iguacu North prospect on Block BM-S-9. This area forms part of the giant Sugarloaf structure, where expert opinion suggests that tens of billions of barrels may be accessible. Diamond Offshore’s Ocean Clipper is being used on this operation.
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