Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Unicom Management Uses BVS

Applied Weather Technology, Inc. (AWT) announced that Unicom Management Services (Cyprus) Ltd has now been using its BonVoyage software (BVS) for 10 years to help its ship Captains steer clear of heavy weather in order to avoid vessel damage and prevent crew injury.

After first adopting BVS in 1999 as part of a trial on three ships, SCF Unicom observed that the onboard software was helping its Captains to reduce heavy weather damage to those ships. The company then quickly expanded use of BVS to approximately 17 ships within its managed fleet, and after positive feedback from Captains, now routinely deploys BVS to all new vessels. BVS is now deployed on more than 70 Unicom vessels. More than 3000 vessels from numerous companies use BVS to help identify the safest, most time-efficient or fuel-efficient routes. BVS is an icon-driven graphical marine voyage optimization system that provides ship Captains with onboard and around-the-clock weather-routing information.
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