Thursday, May 28, 2009

Second Chinese LNG terminal begins operations

China National Offshore Oil Corp. received the first LNG commercial cargo at its Fujian terminal earlier this month.

Unconfirmed reports said the cargo arrived aboard the 145,700-cu m Tangguh Towuti from Indonesia's Bontang liquefaction plant. BP's Tangguh project is contracted to deliver cargoes to Fujian but its opening has been repeatedly delayed. Fujian is to receive 2.6 million tonnes/year from Tangguh once the plant is operating. Fujian is China's second terminal to begin operating. BP has operated the 6.2 million tpy Dapeng LNG terminal in neighboring Guangdong Province since 2006. The Fujian terminal was commissioned last year. Later in 2009, CNOOC expects to open a third terminal, at Shanghai, that initially will be able to import 3 million tpy with expansion of another 3 million tpy on tap.
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