Thursday, June 4, 2009

ClassNK raises 'environmental standards' for ships

Ship classification society Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) has revised its set of evaluation criteria for ships to meet a certain 'environmentally friendly' standard under the society's recently published 'Environmental Guideline'.

The revision came as awareness of the environment takes greater importance in areas of reducing air and marine pollution, global warming and the destruction of ecosystems, according to ClassNK. Such measures go beyond the ''minimum requirements based on international conventions and standards, but also to more advanced technology or to more strict criteria,'' it said in its May 2009 Environmental Guideline. ''In order to make the above evaluation process easier to understand and implement, relevant requirements have been amended so that evaluations of environmental measures adopted onboard are indicated as a notation affixed to ship classification characters,'' ClassNK said. The evaluation criteria have been revised and published in the Environmental Guideline.
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