Saturday, June 27, 2009

Germanischer Lloyd, Celebrating 10 years in Ireland

June 2009 sees the International Classification Society Germanischer Lloyd (GL) celebrate its 10th anniversary in Ireland.

GL established its Irish subsidiary to service its local client base as well as its international clients on the island of Ireland. For several years, surveyors from the UK and continental Europe were seconded to operate Station Dublin but for the last two and a half years, the station has been manned by a local surveyor. This has permitted the forging of a good local contact point for all clients regardless of their parent company location.Mr Harald Seibicke (Area Vice-President) says “despite Ireland being considered a fringe nation on the map of Europe by many, it provides a very necessary cog in the service that GL provides it clients globally”.As Ireland is an island nation it has a high dependency on maritime trade which in turn leads to many ship calls each year. Figures released by the MSO/MSD of the Dept of Transport show that in excess of 70% of vessels visited in Irish ports are classed with GL. This has led to a recent increase in staff level with the employment of a second local surveyor. Even with this, vessels classed with GL have a very good record in the Paris MoU/PSC inspection results as carried out by the Irish Authorities.
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